Nonprofit HR Collaborative Training

Our courses have been designed to explore and find answers to the most pressing HR issues that nonprofit organizations face and to help you build and strengthen your organizational culture. All classes include small group exercises delivered in an open and welcoming learning environment where participants are encouraged to share practices, challenges and questions to enhance professional development.

What People are Saying

  • “Amazing! They gave me a fresh perspective on my job and a way to look at our ever changing HR world with fresh eyes. I came away with more confidence and I had a better understanding of the HR world.”

    — Previous Participant

  • “Relevant and helpful! All topics covered were relevant and helpful in nonprofit human resources. Maggie and Greg and their guests did an amazing job.”

    — Previous Participant

  • “Valuable. The information, both legal and strengths based, and collaborating and learning from my peers were what I felt was the most valuable take-away from the training.”

    — Previous Participant

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