Mission Driven Training for Nonprofits

  • If you are interested in our training courses our would like information about upcoming classes, please contact us and we would be happy to talk to you.

  • If you have additional questions about this training, please email us at greg.wilken@endunamo.com

Build your team, minimize risk, achieve success.

A 16-hour training course for HR professionals working in nonprofits focusing on critical people issues that will help your organization achieve success and fulfill its mission.

What People Are Saying

  • “Amazing! They gave me a fresh perspective on my job and a way to look at our ever changing HR world with fresh eyes. I came away with more confidence and I had a better understanding of the HR world.”

    — Previous Participant

  • “Relevant and helpful! All topics covered were relevant and helpful in nonprofit human resources. Maggie and Greg and their guests did an amazing job.”

    — Previous Participant

  • “Valuable. The information, both legal and strengths based, and collaborating and learning from my peers were what I felt was the most valuable take-away from the training.”

    — Previous Participant


Return, Rebuild and Reengage