Return, Rebuild and Reengage

  • If you are interested in our training courses our would like information about upcoming classes, please contact us and we would be happy to talk to you.

  • If you have additional questions about this training, please email us at

Human Resources for a post-pandemic workplace.

A half-day workshop for nonprofit HR professionals and leaders designed to help your organization emerge from the pandemic stronger, more focused and better able to serve your clients and fulfill your mission.

What People Are Saying

  • “Amazing! They gave me a fresh perspective on my job and a way to look at our ever changing HR world with fresh eyes. I came away with more confidence and I had a better understanding of the HR world.”

    — Previous Participant

  • “Relevant and helpful! All topics covered were relevant and helpful in nonprofit human resources. Maggie and Greg and their guests did an amazing job.”

    — Previous Participant

  • “Valuable. The information, both legal and strengths based, and collaborating and learning from my peers were what I felt was the most valuable take-away from the training.”

    — Previous Participant


Mission Driven Training for Nonprofits